New beginnings

Starting out

You may remember that last year I wrote (ok bragged) about my oldest daughter starting university.  Well this year there is another new beginning for one of my family. My youngest daughter started school this year. And boy was she keen to go. I think she has been counting the sleeps to this for the last 6 months.

Seeing her joy at beginning this part of her life reminded me how we are all keen when we first embark on a new journey. Then somewhere along the way we become jaded. Seeing her enthusiasm encourages me to try to keep that optimism and joy for living in my journey.

All ready to go!

Green for gold

It seems appropriate that our national day is in summer and that it effectively marks the end of holidays.  Let’s face it, Australians do holidays well.  But looking at all the Australian flags and boxing kangaroos made me think that while we can be proud of our country we are part of a bigger picture. 

Recent weather conditions both here and in Europe are warning us that our environment is changing.  And while our leaders struggled to come up with any concrete initiatives in Copenhagen perhaps we can all just do a bit to change our ways.  Ten years ago we were all addicted to plastic bags at the supermarket but now we have embraced the green (and other colours now) bags that not only stop us using plastic bags and use up the plastic already created.

So, in the spirit of doing our bit, we have put together a list of suggestions for greening your next event.  Hope you find some ideas that you can use in your next event.

Oh, and Happy New Year!